Moronge Obonyo Partner
Mr Obonyo has 17 years’ post-admission experience. He has been an academic and lately, a practitioner. He is also an author having co-written a book, Contract Law, and a researcher who has presented in various conferences. He is an expert in international trade law and has trained SMEs on the Africa Continental Free Trade Area, and other preferential trading arrangements and their implications on SMEs in Kenya. He has handled commercial, employment, matrimonial property, retirement benefits, and real estate transactions. He is also a real estate practitioner. He is also an Associate of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, and a founder member of the International Relations Society of Kenya. He holds an LLB from the University of Nairobi, LLM from the University of Wales, and a Diploma in Legal Practice from the Kenya School of Law.
MObonyo@obonyoosiemoadvocates.co.ke / MorongeAdvocate@gmail.com
Tel : + 254 768 166 800
Rael Osiemo Partner
Ms Osiemo has 15 years’ post-admission experience. She has handled commercial, banking and corporate law, labour disputes, children’s law, legal drafting, legal research, and insurance claims. She is also a good researcher who has undertaken research into various legal problems and advised clients on resolution of various legal problems and disputes. In recognition of her superior research skills and competence, Ms Osiemo is currently engaged as a researcher in the Taskforce for the Legal Framework on Regulating Religious Organisations. She holds Bachelor of Laws and Master of Laws degrees from the University of Nairobi and a post-graduate diploma in law from the Kenya School of Law.
ROsiemo@obonyoosiemoadvocates.co.ke/ rasiemo2k2@yahoo.com
Tel : +254 722 388 346
Patricia Ogova Office Administrator
Ms Ogova has over five years’ experience in office operations and administration. She has keen attention to detail and unmatched client care.